The SDG Prospector relies on a new generation of artificial intelligence models. In contrast with approaches using keyword counting, language models interpret words depending on the context from which they originate, and this allow to better understand the complexity of a text.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the SDG Propector value added?
It helps you mapping the narrative of SDGs in any written document, and report on it in a simple and unified format.
Can I publish my results based on the SDG Prospector?
Yes, the utilization of the SDG Prospector is open to anybody, for any types of documents. However, note that the publication of the results is under your the sole responsibility.
Is the SDG Prospector reliable?
Yes, the SDG Prospector is using advanced Artificial Intelligence methods. You will experience impressive results, but just like human analysis, the 100% match does not exist. Machines are not to replace humans yet and alertness should always be exerted.
Does the SDG Prospector provide impact measures?
No, the tool reads and reports on narratives, but does not measure impacts. However, the share of a particular SDG in the narrative of a document gives a good proxy of the importance given to that SDG, generally speaking to underline a positive contribution.
How to analyze several documents?
Two options in that case: you may analyze each document separately, extract its results under an excel sheet, and then aggregate all figures to get global results. You may also contact us directly to explore the possibility of customized results.
Would the result be different if I only tested one SDG?
No, it would be exactly the same. Each SDG is analyzed according to its own dedicated semantic universe.
Why is SDG 17 not included in the analysis?
SDG 17 refers to partnership for the realization of the 16 other objectives. It is therefore very different in essence. However, you may incorporate it in your analysis through a dedicated button on the screen.
When screening a document, the results are not convergent with what I would expect. What should I do?
Please contact the team and share your document. This is a great opportunity for us to improve the quality of the SDG Prospector, which is an AI system learning from its errors.